Currently Scheduled Courses

Commercial Grade Dedication – This three-day course is designed to provide a better understanding of how Commercial Grade Dedication is applied in order to meet NQA-1 requirements. It is based on Revision 1 to EPRI NP-5652 and TR-102260 and covers important definitions, regulations/guidance, the commercial grade dedication process, CFSI, Part 21s, and practical exercises in commercial grade dedication.

NQA-1 Lead Auditor Training
– This three-day nuclear training course is designed to provide an overview of Nuclear Lead Auditor requirements stated in 10CFR50 Appendix B and ASME NQA-1. This is provided through direct classroom instruction of Nuclear Lead Auditor requirements, shared instructor experiences and nuclear industry examples, and history as it relates to becoming a Nuclear Lead Auditor.

Nuclear Receipt Inspection
– This two-day course covers all aspects of Nuclear Receipt Inspection, including codes and standards, an overview of commercial grade dedication, nuclear receipt inspection techniques, CFSI, non-conformity reporting, statistics and sampling techniques, and practical examples and exercises.

Nuclear Safety Culture
– This half-day course addresses the questions, “What is Nuclear Safety Culture, and Why is it important?”. The nuclear power industry is often confronted with unique challenges to overcome, but safety must always remain the overriding priority as unsafe practices could create disastrous outcomes. Allow NTI the opportunity to educate your company on Nuclear Safety Culture and its importance, and how to foster its development within the organization.

Seismic and Environmental Qualification – This three-day course provides a better understanding and hands-on application of equipment and seismic qualification requirements, methods of compliance, validation of results, and proper documentation techniques. Emphasis is on electrical equipment with successful equipment qualification program examples.

Software Dedication
– This two-day Software Dedication training course examines the requirements and guidance available for using commercial grade computer programs and software services at nuclear facilities.

Understanding and Implementing ASME NQA-1
– The overall objective of this three-day training course is for students to gain a working knowledge of the ASME NQA-1 standard for Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications (QA). Participants will be introduced to the history, structure, and content of NQA-1. The course looks at acceptable methods for implementing an effective NQA-1 within various regulatory environments. Special topics of interest to the nuclear industry will be discussed and current practices examined. These include commercial grade dedication, software QA, and use of relevant sub-parts.

Our Courses

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